Chapter 13 - Simple Past Tense


The Simple Past Tense is used to describe an action which occurred at a specified time, and is now over.

The simple past tense is a completed action, such as I went to the storeI called my sister, and so on.  It is almost always accompanied by an expression of time, for example, In 1492, Columbus sailed to the New World, Yesterday, I spoke to Helen.  On Tuesday, we ate at an Italian restaurant.  This tense is used to recount a story or an historical event.  In ordinary speech, it is seldom used.


The simple past tense is the most complex of the tenses in the Italian language, with many irregularities and exceptions to general rules.  An attempt was made here to include many, but not all of the irregular verbs, as many verbs are merely compounds of base verbs.  For example, aggiụngere, congiụngere, disgiụngere, and so on are compounds of giụngere.  For the full list of verbs, the reader should consult the appendix.  The endings for this tense are added to the stems.  There are three sets of endings, one for each verb group.


Group 1 verbs end in -are.  The model for this group is the verb parlare, to speak; its stem is parl-.  The endings are shown in italics, and they are the same for all of the regular verbs in this group

            I spoke, did speak                               Io                     parl + ai           parlai (pahr-lAH-ee)

            you spoke, did speak                           Tu                    parl + asti        parlasti (pahr-lAH-stee)

            he, she, who spoke, did speak             Lei, lui, chi      parl + ò            parlò (pahr-lAW)

            we spoke, did speak                            Noi                  parl + ammo    parlammo (pahr-lAHm-moh)

            you spoke, did speak                           Voi                  parl + aste       parlaste (pahr-lAH-stay)

            they, who spoke, did speak                 Loro, chi          parl + ạrono    parlạrono (pahr-lAH-roh-noh)


Pronunciation in the simple past tense is shown in the group model, and there are some exceptions.  Often, accent marks are not used in written Italian, however, in this text, accent marks will be used when departures from the usual pronunciation rules occur.


In group 1, the following verbs are irregular in the past tense

dare, to give:  detti, dẹsti, dette, dẹmmo, dẹste, dẹttero

                Like dare                                                               ridare, to give back

                ristare, to stop, desist                                          stare, to stand

fare, to do, make:  fẹci, facẹsti, fẹce, facẹmmo, facẹste, fẹcero

                [the endings -ẹci, -acẹsti, -ẹce, -acẹmmo, -acẹste, and -ẹcero are added to the stems]

                Like fare:                                              assuefare, to accustom, inure                            contraffare, to counterfeit

                disassuefare, to give up a habit        disfare, to undo                                                   liquefare, to liquify

                putrefare, to putrify                            rarefare, to rarefy                                               rifare, to do over, repeat

                sfare, to undo, to thaw, melt              soddisfare, to satisfy                                           soprafare, to overwhelm

                strafare, to do too much, overdo      stupefare, to stupefy                                           torrefare, to roast

                tumefare, to swell


Group 2 verbs end in -ere or -rre.  The model for this group is the verb credẹre, to believe; its stem is cred-.  The endings are shown in italics, and they are the same for all regular verbs in this group.

I believed, did believe                         Io                     cred +ẹi           credẹi              (cray-dAY-ee)

You believed, did believe                   Tu                    cred + ẹsti        credẹsti            (cray-dAYs-tee)

He, she, who believed, did believe     Lei, Lui, chi    cred + è           credè               (cray-dEH)

We believed, did believe                    Noi                  cred + ẹmmo   credẹmmo       (cray-dAYm-moh)

You believed, did believe                   Voi                  cred + ẹste       credẹste           (cray-dAYs-tay)

They, who believed, did believe         Loro, chi         cred + ẹrono    credẹrono        (cray-dAY-roh-noh)

Pronunciation in the simple past tense is shown in the group model, but in group 2 there are many exceptions.  n this text, accent marks will be used when departures from the usual pronunciation rules occur.

In group 2, the following verbs are irregular in the simple past tense

accęndere, to light:  accesi, accendẹsti, accese, accendẹmmo, accendẹste, accẹsero

                [The stems are shortened, and the endings -si, -ẹsti, -se, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -sero are added to the

                [stems.  The reduced stem is shown in bold type.  Compound forms of a verb (for example,

                [aggiụngere, congiụngere, disgiụngere, which are compounds of giụngere ) have the same

                [irregularities as the root verb.  Some, but not all, of the compound verbs are listed here.]

NOTE  The infinitive of these verbs is stressed on the stem, and an accent mark was used to show the stress.

                Like accęndere:

                acclụdere, to include                                          accǫrgersi, to perceive                       aggiụngere, to add

                allụdere, to allude                                               appęndere, to append                         appręndere, to learn

                ạrdere, to burn                                                     ascęndere, to ascend                          aspęrgere, to sprinkle

                assịdersi, to sit down                                          attęndere, to wait                                 attịngere, to attain

                attǫrcere, to twist                                                 avvǫlgere, to wrap, wrap up              capovǫlgere, to overturn

                chiędere, to ask                                                   chiụdere, to close                                                cịngere, to gird

                coincịdere, to coincide                                       coinvǫlgere, to involve                       collịdere, to collide

                compręndere, to comprehend                           conclụdere, to conclude                     condiscẹndere, to condescend

                condivịdere, to share                                          contęndere, to contend                       contụndere, to bruise

                cọrrere, to run                                                      cospạrgere, to sprinkle, strew           costrịngere, to compel

                decịdere, to decide                                              decọrrere, to elapse                            delụdere, to delude

                derịdere, to deride, mock                                  detęrgere, to wash off or away         difęndere, to defend

                dipęndere, to depend                                          dipịngere, to depict                             disattẹndere, to disregard

                discęndere, to descend                                       dischiụdere, to disclose                      discọrrere, to talk about

                disgiụngere, to disjoin, sever                            disillụdere, to disillusion                    dispęrdere, to disperse

                dissǫlvere, to dissolve                                         dissuadere, to dissuade                      distẹndere, to distend

                distịnguere, to distinguish                                  distǫrcere, to distort                            divẹrgere, to diverge

                divịdere, to divide                                                elịdere, to elide                                    elụdere, to elude

                emẹrgere, to emerge                                           ęrgere, to raise, lift up                        esclụdere, to exclude

                esplǫdere, to explode                                          estịnguere, to extinguish                    evạdere, to evade

                fịngere, to feign                                                   frạngere, to break, smash                  fụngere, to act as someone

                giụngere, to arrive                                               illụdere, to deceive                             immęrgere, to immerse

                incịdere, to engrave                                            incọrrere, to incur                               indụlgere, to indulge

                infrạngere, to infringe                                        intercọrrere, to elapse                        intrụdere, to intrude

                invạdere, to invade                                             mǫrdere, to bite                                   mụngere, to milk

                nascọndere, to hide                                             occọrrere, to occur                              offęndere, to offend

                persuạdere, to persuade                                     piạngere, to weep                                pǫrgere, to offer

                precọrrere, to precede                                        predilịgere, to prefer something       pręndere, to take

                pụngere, to prick                                                 rạdere, to shave                                   rẹndere, to give back

                ricongiụngere, to rejoin                                     rịdere, to laugh                                    rimanere, to stay

                rispọndere, to respond                                        risǫlvere, to resolve                             scẹndere, to descend

                sọrgere, to rise                                                      spạndere, to spread                             spạrgere, to disperse

                spịngere, to push                                                 strịngere, to press                                tęndere, to stretch

                tęrgere, to wipe                                                    tịngere, to tint, dye                             tǫrcere, to twist

                trascọrrere, to pass or spend time                    uccịdere. to kill                                    ụngere, to oil, grease

                vịncere, to win                                                      vǫlgere, to turn

addurre, to adduce:  addussi, adducẹsti, addusse, adducẹmmo, adducẹste, addụssero

                [the stems vary from ~du- to ~duc-, and alternate set of endings ( -ssi, -ẹsti, -sse, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -ssero) is used]

                Like addurre:

                addurre, to adduce                              circondurre, to lead around              condurre, to conduct

                dedurre, to deduce                              indurre, to induce                                                introdurre, to introduce

                produrre, to produce                          reintrodurre, to reintroduce               ricondurre, to bring, take again

                ridurre, to reduce                                riprodurre, to reproduce                    ritradurre, to retranslate

                sedurre, to seduce                               tradurre, to translate                          trasdurre, to transduce


afflịggere, to afflict:  afflissi, affliggẹsti, afflisse, affliggẹmmo, affliggẹste, afflịssero

                [the stems are shortened, and the endings -ssi, -ẹsti, -sse, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, -ssero are added to the stems]

                [the reduced stem is shown in bold type; compound forms (compiangere, ritịngere, and so on) have ]

                [the same irregularities as the root verb.  Some of the compound verbs are listed here.]

NOTE  The infinitive of these verbs is stressed on the stem, and an accent mark was used to show the stress.

                Like afflịggere:

                affịggere, to affix                               annęttere, to annex                             circonflẹttere, to bend around

                circoscrịvere, to circumscribe           concędere, to concede                        confịggere, to nail

                connẹttere, to connect                        corręggere, to correct                         corrispǫndere, to correspond

                crocifịggere, to crucify                       deflẹttere, to deflect                            descrịvere, to describe

                discụtere, to discuss                            distrụggere, to destroy                       elęggere, to elect

                figgere, to fix, stick                             frịggere, to fry                                     infịggere, to drive, thrust

                lęggere, to read                                    inflịggere, to inflict                             prefịggere, to arrange in advance

                prescrịvere, to prescribe                     proscrịvere, to proscribe                    protęggere, to protect

                ręggere, to hold                                   rescịndere, to rescind                          rielęggere, to re-elect

                riflęttere, to reflect                              rifrịggere, torefry                               rilęggere, to read again

                rivịvere, to revive                                scịndere, to separate                           sconfịggere, to defeat, vanquish

                sconnęttere, to disconnect                 scrịvere, to write                                 strụggere, to melt, thaw

                trafịggere, to transfigure                    vịvere, to live

assụmere, to assume:  assunsi, assumẹsti, assunse, assumẹmmo, assumẹste, assụnsero

                [the stem varies, and the endings -si, -ẹsti, -se, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, -sero are added to make the verbs]

                Like assụmere:                                                    consụmere, to consume                      desụmere, to deduce, infer, gather

                presụmere, to presume                                       riassụmere, to resume

avere, to have:  ẹbbi, avẹsti, ẹbbe, avẹmmo, avẹste, ẹbbero

bẹvere, to drink:  bẹvvi, bevẹsti, bẹvve, bevẹmmo, bevẹste, bẹvvero

                Like bevere:                                                                         imbevere, to imbibe

cadere, to fall:  caddi, cadẹsti, cadde, cadẹmmo, cadẹste, cạddero

                Like cadere:                                                         accadere, to befall                               decadere, to decay

                ricadere, to relapse, fall again                          scadere, to decline, deteriorate

cǫgliere, to gather:  colsi, cogliẹsti, colse, cogliẹmmo, cogliẹste, cǫlsero

                [the stem varies, and a different set of endings -si, -ẹsti, -se, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, -sero is used]

                Like cǫgliere:                                          accǫgliere, to welcome                      disciǫgliere, to dissolve

                distǫgliere, to withdraw                                     equivalere, to be equivalent              invalere, to become fashionable

                prevalere, to be prevalent, to prevail               riaccǫgliere, to readmit someone    ritǫgliere, to take away again

                scẹgliere, to choose                                            sciǫgliere, to untie, to loosen            tǫgliere, to take away

                valere, to be worth

conọscere, to know :  conọbbi, conoscẹsti, conọbbe, conoscẹmmo, conoscẹste, conọbbero

                [the stem varies, and a different set of endings, -bbi, -ẹsti, -bbe, -ẹmmo, ẹste, -bbero is used]

                Like conọscere:                                                   crẹscere, to grow                                 decrẹscere, to decrease

                disconọscere, to disclaim                                   incrẹscere. to regret                             riconọscere, to recognize

                rincrẹscere, to grow again

cuǫcere, to cook:  cossi, cocẹsti, cosse, cocẹmmo, cocẹste, cǫssero

                [the stem varies, and the endings -ssi, -ẹsti, -sse, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -ssero are used]

                Like cuǫcere:                                                       percuǫtere, to strike                            ricuǫcere, to recook

                riscuǫtere, to collect, draw a salary                 scuǫcere, to overcook                        scuǫtere, to shake

                stracuǫcere, to overdo

dirịgere, to direct:  dirẹssi, dirigẹsti, dirẹsse, dirigẹmmo, dirigẹste, dirẹssero

                [the stem is changed, and the endings -ssi, -ẹsti, -sse, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -ssero are used]

                Like dirịgere:                                                        erịgere, to erect                                    neglịgere, to neglect

eccęllere, to excel:  eccẹlsi, eccellẹsti, eccẹlse, eccellẹmmo, eccellẹste, eccẹlsero

                [the stem is shortened, and the endings -si, -ẹsti, -se, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -sero are used]

                Like eccẹllere:      divellere, to uproot                              svẹllere, to tear out

dolere, to suffer, ache:  dolsi, dolẹsti, dolse, dolẹmmo, dolẹste, dǫlsero

espęllere, to expell:  espulsi, espellẹsti, espulse, espellẹmmo, espellẹste, espụlsero

                [the stem varies, and the endings -si, -ẹsti, -se, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -sero are used]

                Like espẹllere:                                                                      repẹllere, to repel

ęssere, to be:  fui, fọsti, fu, fummo, fọste, fụrono

fọndere, to fuse, smelt:  fusi, fondẹsti, fuse, fondẹmmo, fondẹste, fụsero

                [the stem varies, and the endings -si, -ẹsti, -se, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -sero are used]

                Like fọndere: confọndere, to confuse; diffọndere, to diffuse; effọndere, to pour out, effuse; infọndere, to infuse

giacere, to lie down:  giạcqui, giacẹsti, giạcque, giacẹmmo, giacẹste, giạcquero

                [the stem varies; and the endings -i, -ẹsti, -e, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -ero are used]

                Like giacere:                                                         compiacere, to delight                        dispiacere, to displease

                nascere, to be born (nacqui, etc.)                     nuǫcere, to injure (nocqui, etc.)        piacere, to please

                rinascere, to be reborn (rinacqui, etc.)            tacere, to be silent

imprịmere, to impress:  imprẹssi, imprimẹsti, imprẹsse, imprimẹmmo, imprimẹste, imprẹssero

                [the stem varies, and the endings -ssi, -ẹsti, -sse, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -ssero are used]

                Like imprịmere:                                                   comprịmere, to compress                   decomprịmere, to decompress

                deprịmere, to depress                                          esprịmere, to express                          opprịmere, to oppress

męttere, to place, put:  misi, mettẹsti, mise, mettẹmmo, mettẹste, mịsero

                [the stem is changed, and the endings -si, -ẹsti, -se, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -sero are used]

                Like mẹttere:                                                        ammẹttere, to admit                            ammẹttere, to admit, to let in

                annẹttere, to annex                                             commẹttere, to commit                      compromẹttere, to compromise

                connẹttere, to connect                                        dimẹttere, to discharge                       dismẹttere, to discard

                emẹttere, to emit                                                  estromẹttere, to exclude, to oust       frammẹttere, to insert

                immẹttere, to put in                                             inframmẹttere, to interpose                inframmettersi, to interfere, to meddle

                interconnẹttere, to interconnect                        intromẹttere, to insert                          intromettersi, to intervene

                manomẹttere, to tamper with                             omẹttere, to omit                                 permẹttere, to permit

                premẹttere, to state first                                      promẹttere, to promise                       radiotrasmẹttere, to broadcast, to radio

                riammẹttere, to readmit                                     ricetrasmẹttere, to transmit and receive

                ricommẹttere, to commit again                         riemẹttere, to re-issue                          rimẹttere, to put back

                ripromẹttere, to promise again                         ritrasmẹttere, to rebroadcast             scommẹttere, to disconnect, to wager

                smẹttere, to stop, to quit                                     sottomẹttere, to subjugate                  teleradiotrasmẹttere, to simulcast

                trasmẹttere, to pass on or down                        videotrasmẹttere, to broadcast on television; to telecast

muǫvere, to move:  mossi, muovẹsti, mosse, muovẹmmo, movẹste, mǫssero

                [the stem varies, and the endings -ssi, -ẹsti, -sse, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -ssero are added to the stems]

                                Like muovere:                                                                     commuǫvere, to move emotionally

                                promuǫvere, to promote                                                    rimuǫvere, to remove

nuǫcere, to harm:  nǫqui, nocẹsti, nǫcque, nocẹmmo, nocẹste, nǫcquero

parere, to seem:  parvi, parẹsti, parve, parẹmmo, parẹste, pạrvero

pọrre, to put:  pọsi, ponẹsti, pọse, ponẹmmo, ponẹste, pọsero

                [the stem varies, and the endings -si, -ẹsti, -se, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -sero are used]

                Like pọrre:                                            antepọrre, to place or put before                      appọrre, to append

                compọrre, to be composed (of), to compose                                                                  contrappọrre, to oppose; to contrast;

                contropropọrre, to counteroffer       decompọrre, to decompose                               depọrre, to put, set, lay down

                dispọrre, to dispose                             espọrre, to expose                                               fotocompọrre, to photocompose

                frappọrre, to interpose                        giustappọrre, to juxtapose                                 impọrre, to impose

                indispọrre, to irritate; to annoy        interpọrre, to interpose                                       oppọrre, to oppose

                pospọrre, to postpone                        predispọrre, to predispose                                 prepọrre, to place before

                presuppọrre, to presuppose               propọrre, to propose                                           ricompọrre, to reassemble, to recompose

                ridispọrre, to rearrange                      riespọrre, to expose, expound again                               ripọrre, to replace

                ripropọrre, to repropose                    scompọrre, to take apart, dismantle                 sottoespọrre, to underexpose

                sottopọrre, to subdue                          sovraespọrre, to overexpose                             sovrappọrre, to superimpose

                sovrimpọrre, to overlay                      suppọrre, to suppose                                          traspọrre, to transpose

riavere, to have again, recover:  riẹbbi, riavẹsti, riẹbbe, riavẹmmo, riavẹste, riẹbbero

redịgere, to edit:  redassi, redigẹsti, redasse, redigẹmmo, redigẹste, redạssero

redịmere, to redeem:  redẹnsi, redimẹsti, redẹnse, redimẹmmo, redimẹste, redẹnsero

rọmpere, to break:  ruppi, rompẹsti, ruppe, rompẹmmo, rompẹste, rụppero

                [the stem varies; and the endings -i, -ẹsti, -e, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -ero are used]

                Like rọmpere:                                      corrọmpere, to corrupt                                       dirọmpere, to brake

                erọmpere, to erupt                               interrọmpere, to interrupt                                  irrọmpere, to burst, break into

                prorọmpere, to break or burst into

sapere, to know:  sẹppi, sapẹsti, sẹppe, sapẹmmo, sapẹste, sẹppero

spęgnere, to extinguish:  spẹnsi, spegnẹsti, spẹnse, spegnẹmmo, spegnẹste, spẹnsero

tenere, to hold:  tẹnni, tenẹsti, tẹnne, tenẹmmo, tenẹste, tẹnnero

                [the endings -ni, -ẹsti, -ne, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -nero are added to the stems]

                Like tenere:                                          appartenere, to belong to                                   attenere, to be relevant

                contenere, to contain                          detenere, to detain                                               intrattenere, to entertain

                mantenere, to maintain                      ottenere, to obtain                                               ritenere, to retain

                sostenere, to sustain                            trattenere, to restrain

trarre, to draw:  trassi, traẹsti, trasse, traẹmmo, traẹste, trạssero

                [the endings -ssi, -ẹsti, -sse, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -ssero are added to the stems]

                Like trarre:                                            astrarre, to abstract                                            attrarre, to attract

                contrarre, to contract                         decontrarre, to relax                                           detrarre, to detract

                distrarre, to distract                            estrarre, to extract                                              protrarre, to protract

                ritrarre, to retract                                sottrarre, to subtract

vedere, to see:  vidi, vedẹsti, vide, vedẹmmo, vedẹste, vịdero

                [the stem varies; and the endings -i, -ẹsti, -e, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -ero are used]

                Like vedere:                                         antivedere, to foresee                                         intravedere, to glimpse

                prevedere, to see ahead                     provedere, to provide, look after                      rivedere, to see again

                stravedere, to see things, hallucinate                                                                              travedere, to be misled

vịncere, to win:  vinsi, vincẹsti, vinse, vincẹmmo, vincẹste,vịnsero

                [the stem varies; and the endings -i, -ẹsti, -e, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -ero are added to the stems]

                Like vincere:                                        avvịncere, to charm                                            convịncere, to convince

                convịncersi, to convince oneself      evịncere, to infer                                                  stravincere, to win overwhelmingly

volere, to be willing, to want:  volli, volẹsti, volle, volẹmmo, volẹste, vǫllero

                [the stem varies; and the endings -i, -ẹsti, -e, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -ero are used]

                Like volere:                                          benvolere, to like someone                                disvolere, to stop liking someone

                malvolere, to dislike someone          rivolere, to want someone or something back


Group 3 verbs end in -ire.  The model for this group is the verb finire, to finish; its stem is fin-.  The endings are shown in italics, and they are the same for all regular verbs in this group.

            I finished, did finish                            Io                     fin + ii             finii                  (feen-EE-ee)

            You finished, did finish                      Tu                    fin + isti           finisti               (feen-EEs-tee)

            He, she, who finished, did finish        Lei, Lui, chi    fin + ì              finì                   (feen-EE)

            We finished, did finish                       Noi                  fin + immo      finimmo           (feen-EEm-moh)

            You finished, did finish                      Voi                  fin + iste          finiste              (feen-EEs-tay)

            They, who finished, did finish            Loro, chi          fin + ịrono       finịrono           (feen-EE-roh-noh)

Pronunciation in the simple past tense is shown in the group model, and there are some exceptions.  Often, accent marks are not used in written Italian, however, in this text, accent marks will be used when departures from the usual pronunciation rules occur.


In group 3, the following verbs are irregular in the past tense

            dire, to say:  dissi, dicisti, disse, dicimmo, diciste, dịssero

                [the stem varies; and the endings -ssi, -ẹsti, -sse, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -ssero are used]

                Like dire:                                               benedire, to bless                                 contraddire, to contradict

                disdire, to retract                                 interdire, to interdict, prohibit           maledire, to curse

                predire, to predict                                ribenedire, to bless again                   ridire, to repeat

venire, to come;  vẹnni, venisti, vẹnne, venimmo, veniste, vẹnnero

                [a different set of the endings -ni, -ẹsti, -ne, -ẹmmo, -ẹste, and -nero are used]

                Like venire:                                          addivenire, to come to                        avvenire, to happen

                circonvenire, to circumvent           contravenire, to contravene              convenire, to convene

                divenire, to become                            intervenire, to intervene                     pervenire, to reach

                prevenire, to prevent                          riconvenire, to reconvene                  ridivenire, to become again

                rinvenire, to rediscover, recover       risoveniresi, to recollect                     rivenire, to come back

                sconvenire, to be unbecoming          sovvenire, to help                                 svenire, to faint