Chapter 14 - Expressing Uncertainty - Giving Orders
In the Italian language, when the primary idea of a sentence is an expression of uncertainty, denial, impersonal condition, a request or a command to do something, any secondary idea will require a special verb form. Here are some examples.
It is possible that it will rain today.
This sentence has two parts. First, there is an expression of uncertainty (“It is possible..”). Then, there is a secondary idea, namely that it might rain.
I doubt that John will arrive on time.
There are two parts to the sentence. First there is an expression of doubt, which is the primary idea. Then, there is the secondary idea, namely what is doubted.
The court ordered that he pay the fine.
Again, we have two ideas. First, that a court issued an order, and second what the order was.
In case of fire, break the glass.
This statement refers to a command to do something when a certain condition exists.
I hope that our team will win this game.
This sentence is a statement of personal desire.
The law requires that each person pay taxes.
This sentence describes an impersonal condition, namely a legal requirement.
In English, we depend on several methods to express these ideas, but in Italian, a special verb is required in the second part of such a sentence.
This special verb is called the subjunctive, and is required more often in Italian than in English.
The English translation might take one of several forms, but, generally, the present or future tense will be used.
Here are some examples of its use. | |
I hope that John arrives on time. | Io spero che Giovanni arrivi in punto. |
It is necessary that you study. | Bisogna che voi studiate. |
The law requires that you pay taxes. | La lẹgge richiede che tu paghi imposte |
In case of fire, break the glass. | In caso di fuoco, rompa il vetro. |
It is possible that they will win the game. | Ẹ possibile che loro vịncano la partita. |
We hope they know the address. | Noi speriamo che loro sappiano l’indirizzo. |
She wants you to make dinner. | Lei vuò che tu prepari il pranzo. |
These same verb forms are used to give orders, and are referred to as formal commands. Some examples follow.
Please, order the wine. | Per favore, ordini il vino. |
Turn left at the bridge. | Vada a sinistra al ponte. |
Do it right away. | Lo faccia sụbito. |
Group 1 verbs end in -are, example: mandare, to send.
The verb forms are made by replacing the endings of the io form of the present tense with the endings -i, -i, -i, -iamo, -iate, -ino
I | io | mand + i | mandi (mAHn-dee) |
you | tu | mand + i | mandi (mAHn-dee) |
he, she, who | lei, lui, chi | mand + i | mandi (mAHn-dee) |
we | noi | mand + iamo | mandiamo (mahn-dyAH-moh) |
you | voi | mand + iate | mandiate (mahn-dyAH-tay) |
they, who | loro, who | mạnd + ino | mạndino (mAHn-dee-noh) |
Because of the fact that the present tense is used as the basis for verb formation, any irregularities in that tense will also appear in these forms.
In group 1, the following verbs are irregular in the present subjunctive tense
accecare, to blind: acciẹchi, acciẹchi, acciẹchi, accechiamo, accechiate, acciẹchino
andare, to go: vada, vada, vada, andiamo, andiate, vạdano
Like andare: riandare, to go back
arenare, to run aground: arẹni, arẹni, arẹni, areniamo, areniate, arẹnino
avviare, to set in motion: avvìi, avvìi, avvìi, avviamo, avviate, avvìino
dare, to give: dịa, dịa, dịa, diamo, diate, dịano
esaminare, to examine: esạmini, esạmini, esạmini, esaminiamo, esaminiate, esạminino
These verbs are irregular because, although the infinitives are pronounced regularly, the accent is changed in the stem (esamin-) from the last vowel to the second to last vowel. Using esaminare as an example, the infinitive is pronounced ay-zah-mee-nAH-ray. Thus, under the regular rule, the io form would be pronounced ay-zah-mEE-nee, but it is actually pronounced ay-zAH-mee-nee. There are too many of these verbs to be listed here. Please consult the appendix.
Like fare: | assuefare, to accustom, inure | contraffare, to counterfeit | disassuefare, to give up a habit |
disfare, to undo | liquefare, to liquify | putrefare, to putrify | |
rarefare, to rarefy | rifare, to do over, repeat | sfare, to undo, to thaw, melt | |
soddisfare, to satisfy | soprafare, to overwhelm | strafare, to do too much, overdo | |
stupefare, to stupefy | torrefare, to roast | tumefare, to swell |
ridare, to give back: ridịa, ridịa, ridịa, ridiamo, ridiate, ridịano
ristare, to stop, desist: ristịa, ristịa, ristịa, ristiamo, ristiate, ristịano
sonare, to sound, to play: suǫni, suǫni, suǫni, soniamo, soniate,suǫnino
Like sonare: dissonare, to be dissonant risonare, to resound, to play again
rotare, to rotate tonare, to thunder
stare, to stand: stịa, stịa, stịa, stiamo, stiate, stịano
Group 2 verbs end in -ere or -rre, examples: presụmere, to presume. The verb forms are made by replacing the endings of the ioform of the present tense with the endings -a, -a, -a, -iamo, -iate, -ano.
I | io | presum + a | presuma (pray-zOO-mah) |
you | tu | presum + a | presuma (pray-zOO-mah) |
he, she, who | lei, lui chi | presum + a | presuma (pray-zOO-mah) |
we | noi | presum + iamo | presumiamo (pray-zoo-myAH-moh) |
you | voi | presum + iate | presumiate (pray-zoo-myAH-tay) |
they, who | loro, chi | presụm + ano | presụmano (pray-zOO-mah-noh) |
Because of the fact that the present tense is used as the basis for verb formation, any irregularities in that tense will also appear in these forms.
In group 2, the following verbs are irregular in the present subjunctive tenseLike addure: | condurre, to conduct, to lead | dedurre, to deduce |
indurre, to induce | introdurre, to introduce | produrre, to produce |
reintrodurre, to reintroduce | ricondurre, to bring back | ridurre, to reduce |
riprodurre, to reproduce | sedurre, to seduce | tradurre, to translate |
Like astrarre: | attrarre, to attract | contrarre, to contract |
decontrarre, to relax | detrarre, to detract | distrarre, to distract |
estrarre, to extract | protrarre, to protract | ricontrarre, to contract again |
ritrarre, to retract | sottrarre, to subtract | trarre, to pull, draw toward |
Like cǫgliere: | accǫgliere, to welcome | devǫlvere, to assign |
disciǫgliere, to dissolve | distǫgliere, to withdraw | equivalere, to be equivalent |
invalere, to catch on, become fashionable | prevalere, to be prevalent, to prevail | |
riaccǫgliere, to readmit someone | ritǫgliere, to take away again | scẹgliere, to choose |
sciǫgliere, to untie, to loosen | tǫgliere, to take away | valere, to be worth |
conoscere, to know: conọsca, conọsca, conọsca, conosciamo, conosciate, conọscano
Like conoscere: disconoscere, to disclaim riconoscere, to recognize
crẹscere, to grow: crẹsca, crẹsca, crẹsca, cresciamo, cresciate, crẹscano
[These verbs are irregular because the soft sc of the stem is hard in four of six forms.]
Like crescere: nạscere, to be born ricrẹscere, to regrow
rinạscere, to be reborn rincrẹscere, to regret
cuǫcere, to cook: cuocia, cuocia, cuocia, cociamo, cociate, cuǫciano
Like cuǫcere: ricuǫcere, to recook scuǫcere, to overcook
divẹllere, to uproot: divelga, divelga, divelga, divelliamo, divelliate, divẹlgano
Like divẹllere: eccẹllere, to excel espẹllere, to expel
repẹllere, to repel svẹllere, to tear out
dolere, to suffer, ache: dǫlga, dǫlga, dǫlga, dogliamo, doliate, dǫlgano
dovere, to be obliged to: deva, deva, deva, dobbiamo, dobbiate, dẹvano
Like emẹrgere: | accǫrgere, to perceive | aggiụngere, to add |
aspẹrgere, to sprinkle | attịngere, to attain | cịngere, to surround |
congiụngere, to join, unite | cospạrgere, to scatter, sprinkle | costrịngere, to compel |
convẹrgere, to converge | dipịngere, to depict | dirịgere, to direct |
disgiụngere, to disjoin, separate | disụngere, to degrease | divẹrgere, to diverge |
emụlgere, to soften | ẹrgere, to raise, lift up | erịgere, to erect |
espụngere, to expunge | esịgere, to demand | fịngere, to feign, pretend |
frạngere, to break | fụngere, to act as someone | giụngere, to join |
immẹrgere, to immerge | indụlgere, to indulge | ingiụngere, to enjoin, to order |
interpụngere, to punctuate | mụngere, to milk | neglịgere, to neglect |
piạngere, to cry, weep | pịngere, to paint | pǫrgere, to hand something to someone |
predilịgere, to be fond of s.t. | pụngere, to prick, sting | raggiụngere, to catch up, up to, up with |
redịgere, to draw up, draft | ricongiụngere, to reconnect | riemẹrgere, to re-emerge |
rifrạngere, to refract | rifụlgere, to shine | rimpiạngere, to regret |
rinvǫlgere, to rewrap | ripịngere, to repaint | ritịngere, to redye |
risǫrgere, to rise again | risospịngere, to push again | scǫrgere, to make out, distinguish |
sconvǫlgere, to upset | smụngere, to bleed, milk, squeeze | soggiụngere, to add |
sommẹrgere, to submerge | sopragiụngere, to appear suddenly | sǫrgere, to rise, get up |
spạrgere, to scatter, strew | spịngere, to push, shove | spǫrgere, to stick out, protrude |
stịngere, to fade, lose color | strịngere, to clasp, hold tightly | svǫlgere, to unwind |
tẹrgere, to wipe clean, away | tịngere, to dye, tint | vǫlgere, to wrap |
ụngere, to oil, lubricate |
ęssere, to be: sịa, sịa, sịa, siamo, siate, sịano
Like essere: riessere, to be again
giacere, to lie down: giaccia, giaccia, giaccia, giacciamo, giacciate, giạcciano
Like giacere: dispiacere, to displease piacere, to please
scompiacere, to be unkind soggiacere, to be subject to spiacere, to be sorry, to regret
tacere, to be silent
Like lęggere: | affịggere, to affix | afflịggere, to afflict |
corrẹggere, to correct | distrụggere, to destroy | elęggere, to elect |
figgere, to fix, stick | frịggere, to fry | infịggere, to drive, thrust |
inflịggere, to inflict | prefịggere, to arrange in advance | protẹggere, to protect |
rẹggere, to hold | rielęggere, to re-elect | rifrịggere, to refry |
rilęggere, to read again | sconfịggere, to defeat, vanquish | strụggere, to melt, thaw |
trafịggere, to transfigure |
muǫvere, to move: muova, muova, muova, moviamo, moviate, muǫvano
Like muovere: commuǫvere, to move emotionally perscuǫtere, to strike
promuǫvere, to promote rimuǫvere, to remove riscuǫtere, to collect or draw a salary
scuǫtere, to shake smuǫvere, to budge sommuǫvere, to incite, stir up
nuǫcere, to harm: noccia, noccia, noccia, nociamo, nociate, nǫcciano
parere, to seem: paia, paia, paia, pariamo, pariate, pạiano
Like pọrre: | antepọrre, to place or put before | appọrre, to append |
compọrre, to compose | contrappọrre, to contrast | contropropọrre, to counterpropose |
decompọrre, to decompose | depọrre, to put, set, lay down | dispọrre, to dispose |
espọrre, to expose | fotocompọrre, to photocompose | frappọrre, to interpose |
giustappọrre, to juxtapose | impọrre, to impose | indispọrre, to irritate; to annoy |
interpọrre, to interpose | oppọrre, to oppose | pospọrre, to postpone |
predispọrre, to predispose | prepọrre, to place before | presuppọrre, to presuppose |
propọrre, to propose | ricompọrre, to recompose | ridispọrre, to rearrange |
riespọrre, to expound again | ripọrre, to replace | ripropọrre, to repropose |
scompọrre, to take apart, dismantle | sottoespọrre, to underexpose | sottopọrre, to place underneath |
sovraespọrre, to overexpose | sovrappọrre, to superimpose | sovrimpọrre, to overlay |
suppọrre, to suppose | traspọrre, to transpose |
potere, to be able, can: possa, possa, possa, possiamo, possiate, pǫssano
riavere, to have again, recover: riạbbia, riạbbia, riạbbia, riabbiamo, riabbiate, riạbbiano
rimanere, to remain: rimanga, rimanga, rimanga, rimaniamo, rimaniate, rimạngano
sapere, to know: sappia, sappia , sappia, sappiamo, sapiate, sạppiano
sedere, to sit: siẹda, siẹda, siẹda, sediamo, sediate, siẹdano
Like sedere: possedere, to possess risedere, to reseat, to sit down again
solere, to be in the habit of: soglia, soglia, soglia, sogliamo, sogliate, sǫgliano
Like solere: volere, to want
spẹgnere, to extinguish: spenga, spenga, spenga,, spegniamo, spegniate, spẹngano
Like tenere: | appartenere, to belong to | contenere, to contain |
detenere, to detain | mantenere, to maintain | ottenere, to obtain |
ritenere, to retain | sostenere, to sustain | trattenere, to restrain |
tǫrcere, to twist: torca, torca, torca, torciamo, torciate, tǫrcano
Like tenere: | appartenere, to belong to | contenere, to contain |
detenere, to detain | mantenere, to maintain | ottenere, to obtain |
ritenere, to retain | sostenere, to sustain | trattenere, to restrain |
trarre, to draw: tragga, tragga, tragga, traiamo, traiate, trạggano
Like trarre: | attrarre, to attract | astrarre, to abstract |
contrarre, to contract | detrarre, to detract | distrarre, to distract |
estrarre, to extract | protrarre, to protract | ritrarre, to retract |
sottrarre, to subtract |
vịncere, to win: vinca, vinca, vinca, vinciamo, vinciate, vịncano
Like vincere: avvịncere, to charm convịncere, to convince
convịncersi, to convince oneself evincere, to be evident stravincere, to win overwhelmingly, trounce
volere, to want: voglia, voglia, voglia, vogliamo, vogliate, vǫgliano
Like volere: benvolere, to like someone disvolere, to stop liking someone
malvolere, to dislike someone rivolere, to want someone or something back
Group3 verbs end in -ire. example: finire, to finish. The verb forms are made by replacing the endings of the ioform of the present tense with the endings -a, -a, -a, -iamo, -iate, -ano.
I | io | finisc + a | finisca (fee-nEE-scah) |
you | tu | finisc + a | finisca (fee-nEE-scah) |
he, she, who | lei, lui, chi | finisc + a | finisca (fee-nEE-scah) |
we | noi | fin + iamo | finiamo (feen-yAH-moh) |
you | voi | fin + iate | finiate (feen-yAH-tay) |
they, who | loro, chi | finịsc + ano | finịscano (fee-nEEs-cah-noh) |
Because of the fact that the present tense is used as the basis for verb formation, any irregularities in that tense will appear in these forms.
In group 3, the following verbs are irregular in the present subjunctive tenseLike aprire: | assentire, to assent | avvertire, to advise, inform |
bollire, to boil | conseguire, to obtain | consentire, to consent |
convertire, to convert | coprire, to cover | discoprire, to discover |
disinvestire, to disinvest | dissentire, to dissent | divertire, to amuse |
dormire, to sleep | offrire, to offer | eseguire, to execute |
inseguire, to chase after | invertire, to invert | investire, to invest |
partire, to start | pentire, to repent | perseguire, to pursue |
pervertire, to pervert | preavvertire, to forewarn | presentire, to present |
proseguire, to prosecute | reinvestire, to reinvest | riaprire, to reopen |
riavvertire, to advise again | ribollire, to reboil | riconvertire, to reconvert |
ricoprire, to cover again | riscoprire, to rediscover | rieseguire, to execute again |
risentire, to hear again | rivestire, to dress again | sbollire, to cool off |
scoprire, to discover, uncover | seguire, to follow | sentire, to feel |
servire, to serve | sobbollire, to simmer | soffrire, to suffer |
sortire, to go out | sovvertire, to subvert | susseguire, to follow, succeed |
svestire, to undress | vestire, to dress | vestirsi, to dress oneself |
cucire, to sew: cucia, cucia, cucia, cuciamo, cuciate, cùciano
Like cucire: ricucire, to sew again scucire, to unravel
Like dire: | benedire, to bless | contraddire, to contradict |
disdire, to retract | interdire, to interdict, prohibit | maledire, to curse |
predire, to predict | ridire, to repeat | ribenedire, to bless again |
empire, to fill, fill up, fill in: empia, empia, empia, empiamo, empiate, empịrano
Like empire: riempire, to refill
fuggire, to flee, to escape: fugga, fugga, fugga, fuggiamo, fuggiate, fụggano
[These verbs are irregular because the soft gg of the infinitive is hard in four of the six forms.]
Like fuggire: muggire, to moo rifuggire, to flee, escape again
ruggire, to roar, bellow sfuggire, to shun, avoid
morire, to die: muoia, muoia, muoia, moriamo, moriate, muǫiono
Like morire: premorire, to die before, predecease
salire, to go forth, go up, climb: salga, salga, salga, saliamo, saliate, sạlgano
Like salire: assalire, to assault risalire, to go up again
udire, to hear: oda, oda oda, udiamo, udiate, ǫdano
Like udire: riudire, to hear again
uscire, to go out: esca, esca, esca, usciamo, usciate, ẹscano
Like uscire: fuoriuscire, to come out, leak riuscire, to go out again
Like venire: | addivenire, to come to | avvenire, to happen |
circonvenire, to circumvent | contravenire, to contravene | convenire, to convene |
divenire, to become | intervenire, to intervene | pervenire, to reach |
prevenire, to prevent | riconvenire, to reconvene | ridivenire, to become again |
rinvenire, to rediscover, recover | risoveniresi, to recollect | rivenire, to come back |
sconvenire, to be unbecoming | sovvenire, to help | svenire, to faint |