Appendix A


The structure of the Italian verb system based on the infinitive.



|______ conditional tense : __for –are verbs, replace the a with the final e, and add the conditional endings

|______________________for –ere and –ire verbs, drop the final e, add the conditional endings  (see pages 31-33)

|______ future tense :______for –are verbs, replace the a with the final e, and add the future endings

|______________________for –ere and –ire verbs, drop the final e, add the future endings   (see pages 29-30)

|______imperfect tense :____for –are, -ere, -ire verbs, drop the –re, add the imperfect endings  (see pages 25-26)

|______________________for –rre verbs, replace the –rre with –ce, and add the imperfect endings (see pages 25-26)

|______________________for porre and its compounds, replace the -rre with -ne, and add the imperfect endings (see pages 25-26)

      |______gerund :__________for all verbs, take the stem of 2nd person singular of the imperfect tense, and add the gerundial endings  (see pages 27-28)

      |______present participle :__for all verbs, take the stem of the 2nd person singular of the imperfect tense, and add the participial endings (see page 28)

      |______past subjunctive tense : for all verbs, take the stem of the 1st person singular of the imperfect, and add the past subjunctive endings (see page 49)|

|______past participle : drop the –are, -ere, -ire, or -rre add the participial endings *   (see pages 53-58)

       |__ compound forms : active forms of avere, èssere + past participle = (see pages 50-52)

|______past tense : ________for all verbs, drop the –are, -ere, -ire, or -rre add the past endings  (see pages 39-44)

|______present tense : ______for all verbs, drop the –are, -ere, -ire, or -rre add the present endings (see pages 33-38)

        |__present subjunctive tense : for all verbs, take the stem of the 1st person singular of the present tense, and add the present subjunctive endings  (pp 44-49)




* The past participle of about 400 verbs in group 2 is formed from the first person singular of the simple past tense.   (see pages 53-58).

Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24-1 24-2 24-3 24-4 24-5

Appendix B C D E F G H I


This book is available from under item number 1937908. Books purchased from Lulu are accompanied by a complete list of irregular verbs and all of their forms.

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