Appendix G

The cardinal numbers

zero zero
uno one ụndici eleven ventuno twentyone
due two dọdici twelve ventidue twentytwo
trẹ three trẹdici thirteen ventitrẹ twentythree
quattro four quattọrdici fourteen ventiquattro twentyfour
cịnque five quịndici fifteen venticịnque twentyfive
sei six sẹdici sixteen ventisei twentysix
sette seven diciassette seventeen ventisette twentyseven
otto eight diciotto eighteen ventotto twentyeight
nove nine diciannove nineteen ventinove twentynine
dieci ten venti twenty


The pattern shown with the number venti (20) continues for the other decades.

30  trenta 60  sessanta 90  novanta 500  cinquecento 1.000.000 un miliọne
31  trentuno 61  sessantuno 91  novantuno 600  seicento un miliardo
38  trentotto 68  sessantotto 98  novantotto 700  settecento un trilọne
40  quaranta 70  settanta 100  cento 800  ottocento
41  quarantuno 71  settantuno 101  centouno 900  novecento
48  quarantotto 78  settantotto 108  centotto 1000 mille
50  cinquanta 80  ottanta 200  duecento 2000  duemila
51  cinquantuno 81  ottantuno 300  trecento 100.000  centomila
58  cinquantotto 88  ottantotto 400  quattrocento

The ordinal numbers

All of the ordinal numbers are adjectives, and must agree in number and gender with the noun they modify.
Only masculine, singular forms are given here.
The ordinal numbers above fifteen are generally replaced by cardinal numbers.   Instead of saying “the seventyseventh page”, the Italians say “page seventyseven”.

First                  primo                            for all of the numbers above 20, the final letter of the cardinal number is replaced by the ending “esimo”
Second              secondo

Third terzo thirtieth trentęsimo
Fourth quarto fourtieth quarantęsimo
Fifth quinto fiftieth cinquantęsimo
Sixth sesto sixtieth sessantęsimo
Seventh settimo seventieth settantęsimo
Eighth ottavo eightieth ottantęsimo
Ninth nono ninetieth novantęsimo
Tenth dęcimo one hundredth centęsimo
Eleventh undicęsimo two hundredth duecentęsimo
Twelfth dodicęsimo three hundredth trecentęsimo
Thirteenth tredięsimo four hundredth quattrocentęsimo
Fourteenth quattordicęsimo five hundredth cinquecentęsimo
Fifteenth quindicęsimo six hundredth seicentęsimo
Sixteenth sedicęsimo seven hundredth settecentęsimo
Seventeenth diciassettęsimo eight hundredth ottocentęsimo
Eighteenth diciottęsimo nine hundredth novecentęsimo
Nineteenth diciannovęsimo one thousandth millęsimo
Twentieth ventęsimo one millionth milionęsimo


The Italian number system is the same as the English system, except that a comma is used where a period is used, and vice-versa (for example, English = 1, 234.56; Italian = 1.234,56), and the division sign is a colon.

Some other number forms :

1/2 mezzo      1/3 un terzo      2/3 due terzi     1/4 un quarto      3/4 tre quarti      1/5 un quinto      1/6 un sesto

1/7 un settimo 1/8 un ottavo     1/9 un nono      1/10 un dècimo      1/20 un ventèsimo      1/1000 un milèsimo

double = dòppio      triple = triplo      quadruple = quadruplo      quintuple = quintuplo

ten times bigger = dieci volte maggiore      twenty times bigger = venti volte maggiore      one hundred times bigger = centuplo

Some common symbols :

+      più      plus;      -      meno      minus;      x      per      times;       :      diviso      divided by

2 + 3 = 5 due più trè fa cinque; 14 - 6 = 8 quattórdici meno sei fa otto


Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24-1 24-2 24-3 24-4 24-5

Appendix A B C D E F H I

This book is available from, item 1937908, which includes a list of all the irregualar verbs.

This page was last updated on 26 December 2023.