Appendix J Italian Conjunctions

affinchè = in order that, so that
Te lo dico affinchẹ tu faccia qualcosa I'm telling you so that you can do something about it
Parla più forte affinchẹ ti sẹntano tutti Speak loudly so that everyone can hear you
   1 (in  affirmative statements) = something
Lui mi darà alcunchẹ He will give me something.
   2 (in all other statements) = anything
C'è alcunchẹ di vero in quello che dici? Is there anything true in what you say?
Se le occorre alcunchẹ, me lo dica. Should you need anything, let me know.
Non vedevo alcunchè . I couldn't see anything.
Non temo alcunchè . I do not fear anything.
anche (a conjunction) with io, it is always contracted to anch’io
   1 too; also; as well, besides
C'era anche lui. He was there, too; he was there as well.
Vengo anch'io. I'm coming too (or as well).
Anche lui adesso si tira indietro. He too is pulling back now.
Anche noi non ci andiamo. We are not going either.
Necessito anche un cappotto. I also need a coat.
Noi partiamo domani, e anche loro. We are leaving tomorrow, and so are they.
Io odio i gatti e lei anche. I hate cats, and so does she.
Non ho fame e poi ho anche mal di testa. I'm not hungry and besides I've got a headache
   2 even, still
Anche sua moglie lo accusa. Even his wife accuses him.
Mi ha anche dato dei soldi. He even gave me some money
Anche meglio Even better, still better
   3 anche perchè  - partly because; chiefly because
Non glielo detti anche perchè  non mi fidavo I didn't tell him partly because I didn't trust him.
   4 anche se = even if, even though
Anche se gli scrivessi, non verrebbe Even if I wrote to him, he wouldn't come.
Vendè tutto, anche se glielo sconsigliavo. He sold everything, even though I advised him against it 
Anche se fosse? Even if it were so?
   5 anche troppo = far too, far too much
Sei stato anche troppo buono con lei. You were far too kind with her.
Ce n'è anche troppo. There is far too much 
   Used idiomatically with «potere»
Possiamo anche andare. We may as well go.
Potevi anche dare una mano. You might have given a hand.
Potresti anche salutare. You might say hello.
benchè = although, (even) though
Benchè  avesse ragione, tacquè. Although he was right, he kept quiet.
Rimase, benchè  fossero le undici passate. He stayed, though it was past eleven.
Benchè  lontani per età, sono amicịssimi. For all their age difference, they are close friends.
   Used idiomatically in il benchè  minimo = the slightest
Non fece il benchè  minimo sforzo. He didn't make the slightest effort.
checchè (an indefinite pronoun) = whatever
Checchè  tu dica. Whatever you may say.
Checchè  accada. Whatever happens; no matter what happens.
chiụnque = whoever, whichever (person), anyone, anybody
Chiunque venga, digli di aspettare. Whoever comes, tell him to wait.
Chiunque tu incontri, fermalo. Stop anyone you meet
Dallo a chiunque tu voglia. Give it to whomever you like.
È una bellissima casa, di chiunque essa sia. It's a very fine house, to whomever it belongs.
Farò vedere il quadro a chiunque lo desideri.  I'll show the picture to anyone who wants to see it.
Lo darò a chiunque di voi incontrerò per primo. I'll give it to whichever of you I meet first.
Chiunque è capace di farlo. Anybody can do that.
Chiunque avrebbe fatto altrettanto. Anyone would have done the same thing.
meglio di chiunque altro better than anyone else
comụnque = anyway, in any case, whatever, however
Partirò comunque. I will leave anyway.
Comunque, una telefonata potevi farmela. In any case, you could have called me.
Comunque vadano le cose. Whatever happens; come what may.
Comunque si sia. However that may be.
cosicchè =  so, so that
Restò via trent'anni, cosicchè  quando tornò nessuno lo riconobbe He was away for thirty years, so when he came back no one recognized him.
dacchè = since
   1 since (in the sense of time after an event)
Dacchè  sono partiti, non mi hanno mai scritto Since they left, they've never written to me.
   2 since (in the sense of due to or because of something)
Gli scriverò, dacchè  tu lo vuoi. I shall write to him since you want me to.
dovụnque = everywhere, wherever
Ho cercato dovunque. I have looked everywhere.
Dovunque io sia. Wherever I am.
Dovunque tu voglia. Wherever you like.
dụnque = so; therefore
Ho detto che ci sarei andata e dunque ci andrò. I said I would go, so I will.
È malato, dunque non è colpa sua He is ill, so it's not his fault.
Perchè  dunque dovrei farlo? So why should I do it?
Eccoti dunque arrivato! So here you are!
Dunque, cosa facciamo? So, what shall we do?
Expression: venire al dunque = to get to the point; to get down to business; to get down to brass tacks.
finchè= until
   1 until (in the sense up to an event ended)
Rimasi finchè  fu finito. I stayed until it was over
Finchè  non l'avrai visto. Not until you have seen it
2 as long as
Tieni il libro finchè  vuoi. Keep the book as long as you like
Finchè  vivrò. As long as I live.
Finchè  c'è vita, c'è speranza. Where there's life, there's hope
fuorchè = but, except, save (in the sense of except)
Tutti i giorni fuorchè  la Domenica. Every day except Sunday
Dappertutto fuorchè  in cucina. Everywhere except in the kitchen
Tutti fuorchè  mio fratello. Everybody but my brother.
Mi ricordai di tutto fuorchè  telefonarle. I remembered everything except to phone her
giacchè= since, while
Giacchè  me lo chiedi, te ne parlerò. Since you asked, I will tell you.
Giacchè  ci sei. While you're at it.
granchè = much
Non ne so granchè . I don't know much about it
Non possiamo fare granchè . There isn't much we can do.
Non sono un granchè  a tennis. I'm not much good at tennis
La festa non fu un granchè . It was not much of a party.
Non mi piace granchè . I don't like it much
Non è stato granchè . It wasn't much.
   1 in the meantime, meanwhile, while
Tu telefona e io intanto prendo i posti. You go and phone while I get seats.
Intanto, a poche miglia da lì. In the meantime, a few miles away.
Mi ascoltava e intanto faceva ghirigori. He listened to me, and, meanwhile, he kept doodling.
   2 anyway
Ma intanto cominciamo. But, anyway, we are starting.
   3 for one thing
Intanto, vorrei essere consultato più spesso. For one thing, I'd like to be consulted more often.
   4 with per to mean for the moment; for the time being.
Per intanto la tempesta ha passato. For the time being, the storm has passed.
invẹce = instead, instead of, whereas
Doveva andarci mia moglie, ma andai invẹce. My wife was supposed to go, but I went instead.
Invẹce io penso che sia pericoloso. Whereas, I think it's dangerous.
Il modello nuovo è di plastica, invẹce di vetro. The new model is plastic, instead of glass.
Invẹce di brontolare, potresti darci una mano. Instead of grumbling, you might give us a hand.
Vengo io invẹce di Bob. I'm coming instead of Bob.
macchè  =  of course not!, certainly not!, not at all!, no way! 
   1 nor, neither, not… either
Non li conosco e neanche voglio conoscerli. I haven't met them, nor do I want to meet them.
Non sa giocare a tennis e neanche io. He can't play tennis, nor (or and neither) can I.
Non fuma, e neanche io. She doesn't smoke, nor do I.
Neanche Lisa è venuta. Lisa hasn't come, either.
   2 even
Non so neanche se mi faranno entrare. I don't even know if they'll let me in.
senza neanche fermarsi without even stopping
senza neanche un grazie without even ( without so much as) a thank-you
Neanche un bambino ci passerebbe. Not even a child would get through.
Neanche uno not one; not a single one
Non mi piace neanche un po'. I don't like it at all
Non ci penso neanche! I haven't the slightest intention.
Neanche per sogno! I wouldn't dream of it!, not a chance!
   1 as well as, and also
È lungo nonchè  difficile. It is long as well as difficult.
C'era l'uomo nonchè  sua moglie. The man as well as his wife were there.
   2 still less; let alone
Non vorrei parlarne, nonchè  scriverne. I wouldn't talk about it, let alone write about it.
   1 why
Perchè  non me l'hai detto? Why didn't you tell me?
Perchè  lo hai fatto? Why did you do that? What did you do that for?
Perchè  studi il cinese? What are you studying Chinese for?
Chissà perchè  non me ne ha parlato? I wonder why he didn't mention it to me
Dimmi perchè  non vuoi andare Tell me why you don't want to go
Ecco perchè  That's why
Perchè  no? Why not?
Perchè  mai? Why on earth?; What on earth for?
ma perchè ? But why?
   2 because, as
Vendei l'auto perchè  era troppo grande. I sold the car because it was too big.
Lavoro perchè  necessito il denaro I work because I need the money.
Non vieni perchè  è troppo tardi. She is not coming because it is too late.
   3 so, in order that, so as, so that
Ecco un elenco perchè  non dimentichi niente Here's a list so that you won't forget anything; 
Non te l'ho detto perchè  non ti spaventassi,  I didn't tell you it so as not to frighten you.
Gli spedii un fax perchè  potesse leggerela I sent him a fax so that he might read it.
   1 more frequently
Piove piuttosto in primavera che in estate. It rains more frequently in Spring than in Summer.
   2 rather, instead, just
Prenderei piuttosto una birra. I would rather have a beer.
Ti telefono, o piuttosto ti mando un fax. I'll call you, or just send you a fax.
Torna a casa, piuttosto. You had better go back home
Vadi tu, piuttosto. You go instead
   3 rather, somewhat, fairly
A me pare piuttosto carina. I think she is rather pretty.
È piuttosto difficile. It's somewhat difficult.
Mi sento piuttosto stanco. I feel rather tired.
piuttosto bene! fairly well
piuttosto male! rather badly
Piuttosto morire! I would rather die!
   4 with che to mean rather… than
Vivrei piuttosto a Londra che a Parigi. I would rather live in London than in Paris.
Piuttosto che averlo come socio vendo tutto. Rather than have him as a partner I will sell all.
Piuttosto morto che traditore. Better dead than a traitor.
poichè  = since (in the sense of because)
Poichè  pioveva, non uscii. Since it was raining, I didn't go out.
Poichè  non ho denaro, non posso andare. Since I have no money, I can't go.
Poichè  insisti, te lo dirò. Since you insist, I'll tell you.
pressochè  = nearly, almost, all but
Ero pressochè  arrivato. I was nearly there.
È pressochè  fatto. It's almost done.
   1 provided (that), on the condition that, as long as
Ti aspetterò, purchè  tu ti sbrighi. I'm going to wait for you, provided you hurry up.
Lo puoi prendere, purchè  tu lo tenga pulito. You can take it as long as you keep it clean.
   2 as an exclamation:  if only, let's hope (that)
Purchè  venga presto! If only he would come soon!
Purchè  non piova! Let's hope it doesn't rain
qualche = some, a few, any NOTE: When qualche is used, the word it modifies is ALWAYS singular.
qualche anno fa. some (o a few) years ago
qualche tempo fa some time ago
da qualche tempo for some time
per qualche minuto for a few minutes
per qualche motivo for some reason
tra qualche giọrno in a few days' time
non senza qualche difficoltà not without some difficulty
di qualche importanza of some importance
Ti darò qualche libro. I'll give you some books.
Invitiamo qualche amico. Let's invite a few friends.
Ho bisogno di qualche consiglio. I need some advice.
C'era solo qualche persona. There were only a few people there.
Vuoi qualche caramella? Would you like some sweets?
Hai qualche vecchio straccio? Have you got any old rags?
Non ha qualche amico? Hasn't he got any friends?
Lo disse con qualche certezza. He said it with some certainty.
Deve avere qualche fonte di reddito. He must have some source of income.
Verrò a trovarti, qualche giọrno. I'll come and see you some day.
qualche altro some other, any other
qualche cosa (qualcosa) some thing
qualche volta sometimes, occasionally, a few times
in qualche modo somehow; some way or other
in qualche posto somewhere; someplace, anywhere
da qualche parte around here, hereabouts
quandanche = even if
Quandanche arrivassimo in tempo… Even if we get there in time…
quasichè  = as if
Dà ordini a tutti quasichè  fosse lui il padrone. He orders people about as if he were the owner.
quantunque = although, though, albeit
Quantunque fosse piuttosto tardi, ci andai. I went, although it was rather late.
Accettai, quantunque malvolentieri. I agreed, though not enthusiastically.
Quantunque piccoli, ci sono stati cambiamenti. There have been changes, albeit small ones.
Quantunque non so dove lo metteremo. Though I don't know where we will put it.


This book is available from, item 1937908, which includes a list of all the irregualar verbs.

This page was last revised on 26 December 2023.