Chapter 24 Italian Prepositions part 1
a = at, in, on, to; used with verbs of motion, teaching, or learning; required when an action is directed to a person; used with expressions of time
contracted with articles as follows
a + il = al a + i = ai a + lo = allo a + gli = agli
a + la = alla a + le = alle a + l' = all'
1 (place or position) at, in, on | ||
essere a ~ | to be at ~ | |
sedere a ~ | to sit at ~ | |
ai piedi del mọnte | at the foot of the mountain | |
nato a Milano | born in Milan | |
abitare al secọndo piano | to live on the second floor | |
L'aereo atterrò a Roma | The plane landed at Rome | |
restare a letto | to stay in bed | |
2 (motion) to | ||
andare alla staziọne | to go to the station | |
andare a casa | to go home | |
Ho spedito la merce a Lọndra | I sent the goods to London | |
Vadi a letto! | Go to bed! | |
3 (action toward a person) to | ||
Dallo a me | Give it to me | |
Regalerò un orolọgio a Paolo | I'll give Paul a watch | |
Dissi a lei | I talked to her | |
Lo presentai a Lidia | I introduced him to Lidia | |
4 (time) at; in | ||
a Natale | at Christmas | |
alle dieci | at ten | |
all'alba | at dawn | |
a mezzanotte | at midnight | |
a pomeriggio inoltrato | late in the afternoon | |
a diciotto anni | at eighteen | |
5 (way or style) by, at, in | ||
a uno a uno | one by one, one at a time | |
a dozzine | by the dozen | |
a intervalli di cinque secọndi | at intervals of five seconds | |
a mie spese | at my own expense | |
all'italiana | in the Italian fashion, style | |
a memoria | by heart | |
scritto a mano | written by hand, handwritten | |
a tuo rischio | at your own risk | |
with verbs of motion, teaching, or learning | ||
Andiamo a vedere! | Let's go see! | |
imparare a nuotare | to learn to swim | |
the English equivalent of the contraction al + an infinitive verb is upon or on. | ||
Al vederlo, lo salutai | Upon, on seeing him, I greeted him. |
accanto a = beside, by, close to, near, next to: | ||
Accanto al tạvolo | beside (or by, next to) the table | |
L'uomo accanto a me | the man next to (or beside) me | |
Stia accanto a me | Keep close to me. | |
accosto a = close to, near, next to [a synonym for accanto a, but used less frequently] | ||
appiè di = at the foot of | ||
appiè di pạgina | at the foot of the page. | |
attorno a = about, around | ||
1 (location) around, round, about | ||
girare attorno al tạvolo | to go round the table | |
girare attorno a un argomẹnto | to beat about the bush | |
sedere attorno al tạvolo | to sit around the table | |
2 (estimate) around, about | ||
attorno alle trè | around three o'clock | |
attraverso = across, through | ||
1 (location) across, through | ||
C'è un albero attraverso la strada | There is a tree fallen across the street | |
Veniva attraverso il campo | He was coming across the field | |
Siamo venuti attraverso il bosco | We came through the wood | |
guardare attraverso una lente | to look through a lens | |
passare attraverso una città | to pass through a town | |
2 (time) across, over | ||
attraverso i sẹcoli | over the centuries | |
attraverso gli anni | through the years | |
3 (by way of) through (in the sense of means) | ||
attraverso lunghe ricerche | through lengthy research | |
avanti = ahead of | ||
1 (location) ahead of | ||
avanti a tutti | ahead of everybody | |
passare avanti | to overtake someone or something | |
2 (time) before | ||
avanti Cristo | before Christ | |
avanti giọrno | before dawn | |
avant'ieri | the day before yesterday | |
avanti tempo | ahead of time, prematurely | |
circa = about, approximately, around, or so, roughly, thereabouts: | ||
1 (approximately) | ||
Il viaggio durerà tre giọrni circa | The journey will last about three days | |
un uomo di circa sessant'anni | a man of about sixty | |
circa duemila spettatọri | approximately two thousand spectators | |
alle trè circa | three o'clock or so | |
2 (in reference to) about, as to, with regard to | ||
Devo parlarti circa il viaggio | I must talk to you about the trip | |
circa la vostra richiesta | with regard to your request |
cọn = with (in all senses)
contracted with articles as follows
cọn + il = cọl c?n + l' = c?ll' cọllo cọn + gli = cọgli
cọn + la = cọlla cọn + le = cọlle cọn + l' = cọll' cọn + loro' = cọloro
1 (accompanying) to, towards, with | ||
Lo vidi cọn lei | I saw him with you | |
Ho passato la serata cọn amici | I passed the night with friends | |
Parlai cọloro | I spoke with them | |
tenersi in contatto cọn | to keep in touch with | |
L'olio non si mẹscola cọn l'acqua | Oil will not mix with water | |
confrontare l'originale cọn la copia | to compare the original with the copy | |
caffẹ cọn panna | coffee with cream | |
2 (against) with | ||
litigare cọn | to quarrel with | |
ẹssere in guerra cọn | to be at war with | |
3 (means) by, by means of , with | ||
Vediamo cọn gli occhi | We see with our eyes | |
tagliare cọn il coltello | to cut with a knife | |
Feci cọn le mie mani | I did it with my own hands | |
assicurato cọn una catena | fastened with a chain | |
arrivare col treno | to arrive by train | |
cọn l'aiuto di Dio | with God's help | |
4 (material) from; out of | ||
Il vino si fa cọn l'uva | wine is made from grapes | |
5 (manner) in, with | ||
fare cọn facilità | to do with ease | |
procedere cọn cautela | to proceed with caution | |
cọn tutto il cuore | with all one's heart | |
cọn sforzo | with effort | |
6 (characteristic, possession) with | ||
a letto cọn la febbre | in bed with a fever, temperature | |
un uomo cọn i capelli bianchi | a man with white hair | |
cọn l'arrivo dell'inverno | with the coming of winter | |
Hai denaro cọn te? | Have you any money with you? | |
Come va col italiano? | How's your Italian coming along? | |
Come va cọn quel braccio? | How's it going with your arm? | |
Sono indietro col lavoro | I'm behind with my work | |
cọntro = against; when it is used with a personal pronoun, contro is always followed by di | ||
1 (in opposition, contrast) against, contrary to, counter to, in opposition to | ||
cọntro la mia volontà | against my will | |
cọntro la legge | against the law | |
un'idea cọntro ragiọne | an idea contrary to reason | |
votare cọntro una moziọne | to vote against a motion | |
la mia parola cọntro la tua | my word against yours | |
2 (location) against; into | ||
il tạvolo cọntro il muro | the table against the wall | |
Ho picchiato la testa cọntro lo scaffale | I knocked my head against the shelf | |
also used to mean | ||
cọntro assegno | cash on delivery | |
cọntro pagamento | on payment | |
pagamento cọntro documenti | payment against documents. |
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24-2 24-3 24-4 24-5
This book is available from under item number 1937908. Books purchased from Lulu are accompanied by a complete list of irregular verbs and all of their forms.
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