Chapter 24 part 3

dọpo = after, afterward, afterwards, later; when it is used with a personal pronoun, dọpo is always followed by di
1 (time) after, afterwards, afterward, later, later on, then, next
l'anno dọpo the year after, the following year
un anno dọpo a year later
il giọrno dọpo the day after, on the following or next day
nẹ prima nẹ dọpo neither before nor after
subito dọpo straight after
molto dọpo a long time after, long afterwards
poco dọpo a short time later, shortly after
A dọpo! See you later!
Lascialo per dọpo Leave it till later
Me ne accorsi dọpo I found out afterwards
Successe alcuni giorni dọpo It happened a few days later
durante = during (in all senses)
durante il concerto during the concert
durante l'estate during the summer
durante il viaggio during the journey
durante tutta la notte all through the night
durante tutto il seicento throughout the 17th century.
entro = by, within (in the sense of not later than)
entro l'anno within the year
entro domani by tomorrow
entro questa settimana within this week
fino, fino a = till, until, up to (in all senses)
1 (time) until; till; up to
fino a venerdì up to, till, or until Friday
fino a oggi up until today, up until now, to date
fino a ieri until yesterday
fino a questo momento until this moment
fino all'ultimo up to or until the end
Fino a quando? Until when?
2 (distance) as far as, down to, up to
fino a Palermo as far as Palermo
fin là up to there
fino a pạgina 34 up to page 34
costare fino a ~ to cost as much as ~
fino all'ultimo centesimo down to the last penny
frammezzo  = in between, in the middle.
framezzo le due case in between the two houses
in = in (in all senses), into, to
contracted with articles as follows
in + il = nel in + i = nei in + lo = nello in + gli = negli
in + la = nella in + le = nelle in + l' = nell'
1 (to be in a place or state) at, in, inside
in una scatola in a box
ẹssere in città to be in town
in bagno in the bathroom
nella chiesa in the church
in pena  in pain
ẹssere nei guai  to be in trouble
in fretta in a hurry
in breve in short
in confidenza in confidence
in segreto in secret
2 (toward a place) to
andare in Italia to go to Italy
tornare in Sicilia to go back to Sicily
di giọrno in giọrno from day to day, day by day
di male in peggio from bad to worse
3 (to go into) into; in; on
Entrai nel negozio I went into the shop
Lo misi nella scatola I put it into the box
salire in treno to leave on a train
entrare in relazioni di affari to enter into a business relation
in tutto il mondo in all the world, everywhere
in bicicletta on a bicycle
4. (time) in, at, on
in maggio in May
nel 1981 in 1981
nel ventẹsimo sẹcolo in the 20th century
in quel giọrno on that day
in quel momento at that time
5. (other uses) the English equivalent will vary
dare in dono to give as a gift
una statua in bronzo a bronze statue
Eravamo in pochi there were only a few of us
in undici per parte with eleven on a side
incontro a = against, toward, towards
1 (direction) to, toward, towards
incontro all'estate towards summer
andare incontro agli ospiti to meet one's guests
venire incontro a to meet 
fare incontro to come towards
correre incontro to run up to
2 (against) against
incontro al nemico against the enemy.
intorno a = about, around, round
1 (location) around
viaggiare intorno al mondo to travel round the world
La luna gira intorno alla terra The moon turns around the earth
intorno alla colla around the neck
tutt'intorno a noi all round us
2 (time) about; around
intorno al 1920 around 1920
intorno alle sei at about six o'clock
3 (reference to) about
intorno alla legge about the law
lavorare intorno a to work on 
lungi da = far from:
non lungi da qui not far from here
lungi dalla verità far from the truth
lungi dal credere far from believing
lungi dal pensare for from thinking
lungi da me far be it from me
nonostante = despite, in spite of, notwithstanding:
nonostante la situazione despite the situation
nonostante tutto in spite of everything
Partirono nonostante il tempo They left despite the weather
nonostante ciò even so; and yet; still; all the same; anyway
oltre = after, beyond, on the other side of, over, past:
Il lago è oltre quelle colline The lake is beyond those hills
La Francia è oltre gli Alpi France lies on the other side of the Alps
Saltai oltre il muro I jumped over the wall
Oltre quel punto non ci sono più strade There are no roads beyond that point
andare oltre le proprie intenzioni to overshoot the mark
2 (excess) more than, over, above
Costa oltre un milione di lire It costs over, more than a million dollars
distare oltre ~ to be more than ~ away
Lo conosco da oltre dieci anni I've known him for over two years
gente di oltre ventuno anni people over twentyone
3 (time) after; later than
Non stare fuori oltre le dieci Don't stay out after or later than ten
4 (in addition) besides, in addition to, as well as, apart from:
C'erano molte altre persone oltre a lui There were many others besides him
Oltre a quello che ti dissi In addition to what I told you
oltre tutto apart from everything else


Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24-1 24-2 24-4 24-5

Appendix A B C D E F G H I


This book is available from under item number 1937908. Books purchased from Lulu are accompanied by a complete list of irregular verbs and all of their forms.

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